Sunday, March 2, 2014

Brick walls and rainfall

I'm gonna be honest with you here:

I have no idea what this post is going to be about.

But hey, let's find out together.

The most prominent thing I can remember from the past week is Rain. It's just confusing me for some reason.

Why is it raining in February? I mean, I love the rain and all. But it doesn't seem like this type of precipitation should be participating in the almighty season of Winter.

Winter. Win. Ter.
I wanna win something. It's been a while since I've had a notable achievement. My résumé could use some spicing up.

Here are some possible achievements I could be nominated for:

1. All time record for consecutive days I've procrastinated my blog posts. (see "I put the pro in procrastination")

2. General laziness.

3. Most Netflix episodes watched in a day.

Wait, pause.

I just found out the original Pokémon is on Netflix.

Here's a game to play. Spot the guy in class tomorrow who is bleary eyed and sleep deprived. That would be me. Why? I'm about to watch many, many episodes of the nostalgic hit of my childhood.

Goodnight, everyone.

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