Sunday, November 2, 2014

Back for a bit/Your Make Everything Ok Button

Tonight I found myself sitting at my computer. I was trying to write. It's been a while and I'm rusty. Word was open, but nothing was there. Just a white screen and vague title in my head. Word is not a creative environment. Microsoft definitely didn't have poetry in mind when they designed that thing.

I caught myself thinking back to this thing. This page. You guys.

It's a lot easier for me to write here. I feel like it has purpose. That what I'm writing isn't just going to end up as a a bunch of ones and zeros shoved into a folder that doesn't really exist on my laptop.

Instead it's just a bunch of ones and zeros slightly more accessible to the rest of the human population with an internet connection.

So bear with me, this wasn't really meant for the internet when I thought of it. It's for someone in particular to be read on a certain day. Feedback would be nice.

I hope they don't remember the URL to my blog.


I watched your hands move on the keyboard.


Thump went my heart.


You were having a bad day. I remember it.


Those fingers I know moving slowly. Fluorescents shining off the rings you wore.


You needed it to be ok.


I needed it to be ok.


I needed you to be ok.


We'd run out of ideas.







I've got to find something.


Try something different.


I haven't tried everything.


You've stopped typing. Hands resting back where they were, but not where I want them.

Your eyes still brimming with liquid pain. Threatening to spill over at any second.

I look up.

Blinded by you and the bright screen in this dark room, I try and focus.

Make everything ok the words read.

Make everything ok.


Theres no secret. No formula. No line of code. No combination of words that do that.

That's not what this is about.

I can do this. I can make it ok.

I can.

Me. Just me.

No, not just me.

Just us.

Everything is ok if we're still here.

No secret. No formula. No line of code. No combination of words is going to stop that.

Everything is ok.

And it'll always be that if we're together.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Real Talk

Commencement Speech

Welcome Class of *glances at banner* 2014.

I'll keep this short for all of you who have some party to go to.

Many of you are probably wondering who I am right about now.

No, I'm not your valedictorian.
No, I'm not famous.
No, I have no idea who any of you are.

Yes, I did wander up here looking for the bathroom.
Yes, I'll shortly be removed by security.

But before that. I have something to say to all of you people.

Pretend you're in a movie.

Just do it, be the main character.

The one that takes risks, jumps out of planes, drives fast, loves the girl/guy, etc. You know, that one.


This is your call to adventure.

Can't you hear it?

Go, run, do, fly, sleep, hell do something you've never done.

All the seasons of your Tv show are over. All four years.

Now it's time for the movie to start.

So please, silence your cell phones, stand up, get out there, and hold on tight.

*Get's tackled by security*

That Feeling

Can I just write (say) something here?

Out of all of this. Every day I've had this thing.

I just want to make you feel something.

I want you to feel that feeling I get when I hear, read, sing, or see something that leaves me thinking.

You know what I'm saying, right?

Lights, camera, action, satisfaction. That's what I want you to feel.

It's the same feeling that makes me write these words. I don't even know where it comes from, but I want you to have it. That's all.

Because I'm here. And I feel it.

the moon.

i wanna feel alive.

I also want to know what that means.

Now, I'm not saying I feel dead.

…Because I don't.

I'm just not sure what feeling alive is.

is it every time i take a breath or feel my skin touch something?

is it adrenaline?

is it something that i haven't felt?

is it the feeling i get when my eyes reach hers?

I don't know. But I'll find out. Maybe.

I'm Jealous

He writes the things I wish I could say.

Yet another sad chair

How To Graduate From Highshcool

Step 1


Step 2

-Do whatever you're assigned to do (preferably well). Don't procrastinate.

Step 3

-Repeat step two until someone hands you a diploma.